Skip to Videos All | Animations | Brand Intro | Pitch | Post Campaign Report (PCR) | Interviews/Testimonials/Socials | Timelapse | Music Events | Building/Construction | TVC | Aerial | Events/Conferences | Sizzles | 360 videos | Brand Intro, VALLEY EYEWEAR with our BANG frame in new york city Sizzles, TBF Launch - Ultra Hype Sizzles, Fox FM Sizzle APRIL 2016 Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, Oaks Fashions on the Field Brand Intro, VALLEY EYEWEAR the BANG aviator frame in New York City Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, Hop Quest 2.0 Building/Construction, Accolade February Update Timelapse, Brand Intro, [Teaser] MMXX Collection - Captive Campaign - Valley Films Brand Intro, Jayco Montage Video Events/Conferences, Aiken Hill Animations, Carn the Kids - LeasePlan Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, Porphyry Interview 60 Sec Building/Construction, Mosaic Brand Intro, MMXX Collection - Captive Campaign - Valley Films Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, Black Asteroid - Collaboration Campaign MMXX - Valley Films Building/Construction, Accolade - Construction Update July Brand Intro, Ashley Faithfull Training Studio Building/Construction, Monument Sales Relocation Brand Intro, The Today Network -- That Feeling. Building/Construction, Monument Promo (Social) Music Events, Lisa Faithfull - Heart Back (Acoustic Version) Building/Construction, Accolade Garden Video - Voice Over Sizzles, TBF Sizzle Pitch, Phyton Whole Foods & Coles - Better for Everyone Brand Intro, Free health and exercise program at Federation Square Brand Intro, TBF Launch Wrap Pitch, NBL & The Big Freeze 2017 Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, Dangerous Dave - Live at the F1 Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, HandA SPONSORSHIP Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, Anthony Upton Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, John Conidi Pitch, PTC Billy Brownless Ryco Pitch, Jules Lund Big W TVC, Capital Radiology TVC Brand Intro, Partnership Events/Conferences, Message Media | Love Your Work Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, DHI - Jimmy Testamonial Music Events, Philophobia Pitch, Animations, SnapScan Pitch Video Brand Intro, Shutdowns Australia Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, DHI Street Talk - Weird Things About Your Hair Events/Conferences, My Face My Body Awards 2015 | Hilton, Sydney Brand Intro, Instant Laser Clinic Brand Intro, Melbourne Plastic Surgery - Introduction Animations, Capital Radiology - 2014 GPCE Brand Intro, Animations, Capital Radiology | We are Imaging Brand Intro, 3D GROUP | Inspire, Innovate, Educate Brand Intro, Nixon Promo Building/Construction, Image Paving Highlight Final V1 Building/Construction, Mosaic Promo V1 Pitch, Dodo Sizzles, #HitTheRoof V2 Post Campaign Report (PCR), Trillion Dollar Tennis PCR Post Campaign Report (PCR), Thirsty Camel PCR Interviews/Testimonials/Socials, Music Events, Justin Bieber - Baby - Live at Fox FM's Hit The Roof (Melbourne, Australia) Timelapse, NYE Setup - Transit Fed Square | Timelapse Sequence Music Events, Music Events, Soul Safari - Light On | Live at the Gershwin Music Events, Thirsty Merc - 20 Good Reasons [LIVE Triple M] Aerial, Skytime Shorts - San Francisco 4K Events/Conferences, Norm Smith 23_4 Building/Construction, Saftey Promo TVC, Channel 7 - The Kick Opener Aerial, Melbourne Aerials HD Aerial, Skytime Shorts - New York, New York 4K Aerial, Skytime Shorts - Sydney, Australia 4K Aerial, Skytime Shorts - Tuscany, Italy 4K Events/Conferences, Digital Decoded - Hackathon Wrap [internal] 360 videos, 360 Gold Coast Sunset 360 videos, Great Barrier Reef 360 Sizzles, TRIPLE M AFL FOOTY 2016 V2 Sizzles, The Big Freeze - Sizzle Sizzles, Hamish & Andy Sizzle Brand Intro, Rivington - Product Feature - Valley Films